Academic eligibility for extracurricular activities and events
All students seeking to participate in City First Christian Academy extracurricular activities are expected to maintain a minimum standard of academic performance.
These activities include but are not limited to:
- CFCA-sanctioned athletics: volleyball, basketball, track and field.
- Sanctioned music performance, drama events or activities.
- Academic activities: spelling bees, math competitions, speaking/debate events, robotics events/competitions, class trips or field trips of an academic nature.
The academic standards we use to determine student eligibility for activities or events include:
- A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 for the academic quarter preceding and during a student’s participation.
- We will check grades each Friday at 10am. Any student whose grade(s) is/are below 70% in any class will be deemed ineligible for practice or athletic events. Ineligibility will last as long as it takes a student to bring his/her grade up to at least 70%. For some students, that might be one day (one missed practice/event); for others, it might be more than one day. The length of the ineligibility is completely dependent on the student’s willingness to work hard to raise his/her grade. If a student’s grade is failing at the end of a quarter, their ineligibility will be for a minimum of three missed events. At that point they become eligible again, if their grades are above 70%. If a student is deemed ineligible, they will be assigned an after-school study hall to complete missing assignments. The expectation is they will remain in study hall until practice is finished at 5 p.m. If ineligibility begins on a Monday, student grades will be checked each morning beginning with the next day (Tuesday) until the student raises his/her grade(s) to a minimum of 70%. Parents are strongly encouraged to challenge their student(s) to complete every assignment by its due date, and to invest as much quality as possible into the work. Athletics coaches will remind students at the beginning of each practice about the importance of completing every assignment in every class by the due dates.